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5 Canton Green Road
Canton, CT, 06019
United States

860 693 4102


The Gallery on the Green opened its doors in 1960 becoming one of Connecticut’s longest running artists cooperatives. Incorporated as the Canton Artists Guild, the Gallery has offered artists and those interested in the arts a varied program of cultural activities. For artists, the Gallery on the Green is a place to exhibit and sell work. For the public, it is unique atmosphere to appreciate and acquire fine art.

Canton Artists’ Guild

Connecticut's Oldest Running Artists' Guild
Celebrating 64 years of art, artists and community!

Gallery History
The Gallery on the Green opened its doors in 1960 becoming one of Connecticut’s longest running artists cooperatives. Incorporated as the Canton Artists Guild, the Gallery has offered artists and those interested in the arts a varied program of cultural activities. For artists, the Gallery on the Green is a place to exhibit and sell work. For the public, it is unique atmosphere to appreciate and acquire fine art.

The Guild was created by and for artists and their supporters as a nonprofit cultural organization. It is supported by artist and patron dues, contributions, and modest commissions on work sold, financial gifts, and fund-raising events. The Gallery on the Green consists of three galleries, a lower and two upper, as well as an outdoor sculpture garden. A wide variety of exhibits in many media are featured throughout the year.

Membership with the Canton Artists’ Guild is available in several forms: Juried artist members may join the cooperative as a volunteer or non-volunteer. The Guild also offers a junior membership for artists under age 18.Senior memberships are also available. Non-artists may become members by making a tax-deductible contribution.

The Board of Directors cordially invites you to become a member of the guild. The Board meets every second Thursday of the month throughout the year to explore ways and means of improving the Gallery on the Green for the benefit of the community.

Gallery Hours: Friday-Sunday 1:00-5:00pm
